Setting Up a Triggered Email


You are able to  setup and customize system emails that are sent at key stages of the booking process in the ‘Triggered Emails’ section of the ‘Event Setup’.

To add a triggered email  simply click on the ‘Add event email’  link and follow the three steps, ‘Basic details’, ‘Content’ and ‘Delivery’ to complete the setup.

Basic details
Here you can specify basic email details such as the email template’s name, from and BCC addresses and email subject.

You can build your email template and add customized content using the ‘Custom content’ list. Click on the required item to add it to your email and this will pull in details from the relevant booking.  The content available to pull through is listed below:

Event Tags
•    {Event helpline name}
•    {Event helpline telephone}
•    {Event helpline email}
•    {Event title}

Lead Attendee Tags
•    {Lead attendee full name}
•    {Lead attendee title}
•    {Lead attendee forename}
•    {Lead attendee surname}
•    {Lead attendee reference}
•    {Lead attendee booking date}
•    {Lead attendee type}
•    {Lead attendee ticket type}
•    {Lead attendee organisation}
•    {Lead attendee occupation}
•    {Lead attendee address 1}
•    {Lead attendee address 2}
•    {Lead attendee address 3}
•    {Lead attendee address town}
•    {Lead attendee address county}
•    {Lead attendee address country}
•    {Lead attendee address postcode}
•    {Lead attendee telephone}
•    {Lead attendee email}

Lead Attendee Custom Field Tags
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1832]:Corresponding author}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1833]:Type of presentation}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1834]:Abstract (maximum 400 words)}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1835]:Funding Source and Declaration of Interest (maximum 100 words)}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1836]:Abstract Title}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1837]:Keywords (3-5)}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1838]:Access requirements}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1839]:Special requirements i.e. hearing loop}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1840]:I agree to the terms and conditions}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1841]:Co-author(s)}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1842]:Please select the session which your abstract sumbission is for}
•    {Lead attendee custom field[1843]:Dietary requirements}

Booking and Invoice Tags
•    {Booking date}
•    {Booking reference}
•    {Group size}
•    {Booking gross cost}
•    {Booking net cost}
•    {Invoice link}
•    {Short invoice link}
•    {Invoice url}

Website Link Tags
•    {Website[215]:Website}

Registration Form Link Tags
•    {Form[556]:Register Interest}

You can also add attachments to your email from the Symphony file area by pressing the ‘Add new attachment’ button, as well as specify the format of the email as HTML or plain text by clicking on the preferred radio button option.

You can choose when the email will be triggered. You can choose to have the email send to the lead attendee or all attendees in booking. You can also choose which attendee and ticket types the email will be sent to, by placing a tick in the appropriate boxes.

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