How can I set up cancellation charges?

Event setup - Cancellations

You can configure cancellation charges that will be applied to bookings with this section. Charges can be setup to be applied to sessions, accommodation, attendees or to the entire booking.

Activating and de-activating cancellation charges

To use a cancellation charge for your chosen event, you must activate it. To activate a cancellation charge, simply select your chosen type of charge from the "Cancellation charge" list, press the "Edit status" button and select "Active" from the radio button list, before clicking "Apply" to save. To de-activate a cancellation charge, follow the same steps but select "inactive" from the radio button list.

Editing cancellation conditions

If you wish to edit your cancellation charge conditions, simply click on the charge you wish to change on the "Cancellation charge" list and press the "edit details" button. You can change the order value, select the ticket and attendee types that you wish the charge to apply to, as well as change the cancellation fee here.

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