How does Symphony adhere to data protection laws?


The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a law designed to protect personal data.
The 1998 Act covers information or data stored on a computer or an organised paper filing system about living people.

The basic way it works is by:

  • Setting up rules that people have to follow
  • Having an Information Commissioner to enforce the rules

The roles of those involved:

1.    The Information Commissioner is the person (and his/her office) who has powers to enforce the Act.
2.    A data controller is a person or company that collects and keeps data about people. This refers both to us at Symphony a subsidiary company owned by Quba and you the Client.
3.    A data subject is someone who has data about them stored somewhere, outside of their direct control. For example, a bank stores its customers' names, addresses and phone numbers. This makes us all data subjects as there can be few people in the UK who do not feature in computer records somewhere.

Registration with the Information Commissioner

Any organisation or person who needs to store personal information must apply to register with the Information Commissioner.
Data controllers must declare what information will be stored and how it will be used in advance. This is recorded in the register.

Quba is registered with the Information Commissioner certificate No Z7169445

Quba New Media is committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully (in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 & subsequent revisions thereof).

The type of information we may collect about you includes your:

•    Name
•    Company name
•    Phone number
•    Email address

We will never collect sensitive information about you.

The personal information which we hold will be held securely in accordance with our internal security policy and English law.

 We may use technology to track the patterns of behaviour of registered and non-registered visitors to our Quba and Symphony site. This can include using a "cookie" which would be stored on your computer. You can usually modify your browser to prevent this happening (for example, using Internet Explorer select 'internet options' from the 'tools' menu, then click 'security', followed by 'custom level' and select 'disable cookies').

The information collected in this way can be used to identify you unless you modify your browser settings. We may also aggregate this data to perform statistical analyses of the characteristics and behaviour of our visitors in order to help us improve the functionality of our site for our users.
Every time you connect to our website we store a log of your visit which shows the unique number your machine uses when it is connected to the internet (IP address). This tells us what you looked at; whether the page request was successful or not and which browser you used to view the pages. The use of this data is primarily for statistical purposes. This helps us to understand which areas of the site are of particular interest and also which pages are not being requested. It also tells how many people are visiting the website in total.

The information you decide to collect from your invitees/delegates via booking forms created and published using the Symphony application is your responsibility. The contract that you signed before the receipt of your Symphony account, details that you as the; ‘Licensee acknowledges that it is solely responsible for compliance with the DPA’.

Hope this helps,

Symphony Support

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