Why is my booking form inactive?

If your booking form displays the following message or similar, the booking form is currently inactive:

Thank you for your interest in the {Event name}, unfortunately the registration period has now elapsed.

If you have any questions or queries about the event then please contact {Helpline name} on {Helpline telephone}, or by email at {Helpline email}.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Kind regards,
{Helpline name}


This can happen for the following reasons:


1. Today's date falls outside the signup start/ end date

Go to Event Setup > Basic details to change this.


2. The event is over-subscribed

Go to Event Setup > Capacity to extend the capacity


3. The booking form has been set to inactive

Go to Event setup > Booking forms > Booking form overview to change this.

Click the edit button on the red box and set the status to active.

4. The URL you are using includes the text: /closed.htm

Delete this text from the URL and refresh your form.


If you have tried all of the above steps, please contact the help team by submitting a Zendesk Ticket.

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