How can I add dietary requirements to my booking form?

You might want to ask one of the following questions to your booking form:


1. Do you have dietary requirements? (Yes / No)

2. Please specify your dietary requirements (Text field)

3. What meal option would you like to select? (Chicken / Vegetarian)


Once you have planned what questions to ask on your booking form, you can set up these questions as custom fields.




Do you have any dietary requirements?

Event Setup > Custom Fields

Click "add custom field"

The field name will show up in reporting

Click "Selection list" - "Single possible answer"

Click "Add" to add the Yes and No answers.



Please specify your dietary requirements

Event Setup > Custom Fields

Click "add custom field"

The field name will show up in reporting

Click "Text field" - "Multi line text field"




3. What meal option would you like to select? (Chicken / Vegetarian)

Event Setup > Custom Fields

Click "add custom field"

The field name will show up in reporting

Click "Selection list" - "Single possible answer"

(Select multiple possible answers to allow users to choose multiple options

Click "Add" to add the Chicken and Vegitarian answers

(You can also add in more options if you like)





To add the custom fields to your booking form, you first need to create a booking form.

Once you have done this, go to the booking form overview page and scroll to the bottom of the page.

You will see a table. Click "customise" under the column called "form".

Click "Add new field group" to create a new section of the form.

Then click "Add field" in the section where you want your question to go.

Select "Custom field"

Under "Field" select the name of the field to add.

Under "Label" select the question you would like delegates to see

Under "Control" choose whether this should be checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menu etc.

If you have a multiple choice question, select the options to show up on the booking form and the order they should be in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc)

Click "Save"

This is what it looks like for the question "Do you have any dietary requirements?" (Yes / No)


You might want to add another field to show up if someone answers "Yes" to this question. This is know as a dependency in Symphony.


In the example below I have added a custom field to my booking form to show up when someone selects "Yes" to the question above.

This is what it looks like on the booking form.






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