How can I change the design of my booking form?

When you are setting up your booking form there are some customisations that you can make:


1) Upload your company Logo

2) Change the template

3) Upload a banner image

4) Change the background colour

5) Include HTML in your booking form


1) Upload your company logo

Event setup > Booking forms > Booking form overview > Edit basic details

Scroll down the form until you see this view:

Next to Logo click "Edit".


You will then be prompted to upload a file.

If the image is already uploaded to Symphony, find the folder and click the green "apply" button next to the name of your file.

If the image is not already uploaded, select the folder you would like to upload the image to.

Click "Browse", select the file from your desktop, click open.

In Symphony click "Upload" and "Add".

We recommend you use the following file formats: Gif, PNG, JPEG

Your logo shouldn't be more than about 300 pixels wide. You can resize this in Paint or Photoshop before you upload this.


2) Change the template

Event setup > Booking forms > Booking form overview > Edit basic details

To change the template, click "Edit" above the picture of the booking form.

Select "Simple template if you would like the option to add a header image.


3) Upload a banner image

Event setup > Booking forms > Booking form overview > Edit basic details

Select your template and either in the logo section, or in the header summary section, upload your image (as in step 1).

If you are designing a banner image for the simple template this should be 780 px wide.

4) Change the background colour

Event setup > Booking forms > Booking form overview > Edit basic details

Click edit next to "Background Colour".

Drag your cursor to the relevant colour or type in the hex code.


5) Include HTML on your booking form

Event setup > Booking forms > Booking form overview > Edit booking form page

If you are working with someone who has good knowledge of HTML, you can use this when you write text or display images / video on your booking form.

The booking form is made up of different field groups.

Click the blue "Configure" button in the field group you would like to edit. On the text editor, select the HTML option.

This will work for all pages of your booking form.


If you have any questions about customising your form, or are interested in having your own custom template built, please contact the help desk.




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